Spray Foam Insulation Kalispell, MT

(406) 319-3339


Kalispell, MT

Nestled in the picturesque town of Kalispell, MT, Flathead Spray Foam is your premier spray foam insulation contractor, catering to the unique climate challenges of the area.

From scorching summers to chilly winters, maintaining indoor comfort can be a daunting task, leading to high energy costs and overworked HVAC systems.

Our spray foam insulation services provide a smart and efficient solution for residential and commercial properties in Kalispell. By creating a robust barrier against heat infiltration, our insulation effectively blocks hot air from entering indoor spaces, ensuring a cooler and more comfortable environment year-round.

Not only does our insulation maintain consistent indoor temperatures, but it also reduces the strain on air conditioning systems, resulting in substantial energy savings for our clients. Additionally, our spray foam insulation contributes to improved indoor air quality by keeping out outdoor pollutants, dust, and allergens. It also helps minimize noise disturbances, fostering a peaceful and serene indoor atmosphere. With its high R-value, our spray foam insulation delivers exceptional thermal resistance, keeping homes and businesses cool and comfortable even during Kalispell's hottest summer days.

Say goodbye to excessive reliance on air conditioning and hello to a more energy-efficient and comfortable living or working space with Flathead Spray Foam. In conclusion, Flathead Spray Foam offers a practical and cost-effective solution for Kalispell residents and business owners, helping them achieve cool comfort while effectively managing energy expenses.

Give us a call today and experience the difference our spray foam insulation can make for your property.

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Flathead Spray Foam Contractor spraying foam insulation into walls in Kalispell MT

Benefits of



Lower monthly energy costs.


A greener planet with reduced energy waste.


The overall health and comfort of your home environment


A permanent solution to air leaks and insulation issues


Goodbye to pests, rodents, and bugs invading your space.


Hello to a home free from condensation and mold.


The infiltration of allergens and pollutants for cleaner air.


The tranquility of your home by reducing outside sounds.

Signs You Need Insulation Replacement 

Is your home showing signs that it may be time for insulation replacement? Don't wait! Reach out to Flathead Spray Foam in Kalispell, MT, and let our experts handle all the technical aspects for you.

  • Water Damage

Water damage can wreak havoc on your insulation, especially if it seeps into your roof and attic. This can lead to mold growth and other complications. Consider our spray foam roof coatings to safeguard your roof against water damage and ensure the durability of your insulation.

  • High Energy Bill

Are your energy bills skyrocketing? Inadequate insulation could be the culprit. Poor insulation allows for air leaks, causing your HVAC system to work overtime. Investing in wall and attic insulation for your Kalispell property can help address this issue and enhance energy efficiency.

  • Pests and Rodents

Pests and rodents can cause havoc on your insulation, particularly if it's not spray foam. If you discover signs of pests like feces or deceased rodents in your home, it may indicate insulation damage. Reach out to Flathead Spray Foam for comprehensive inspections and potential replacements to protect your home from these unwelcome intruders.

  • Older Homes

Insulating older homes can be challenging, and older attic insulation in Kalispell, MT, may contain asbestos, posing health risks. If you inhabit an older property, consider upgrading to new insulation to ensure both your home and health are adequately protected.

  • Mold Spots

The presence of mold spots in your home could signal insufficient or damaged insulation. Proper insulation is crucial for regulating indoor temperature and humidity levels. Without adequate insulation, moisture can accumulate, creating a breeding ground for mold. Addressing insulation issues can prevent condensation and mold growth, ensuring a healthier living environment.

  • Drafty Home

A drafty home often indicates inadequate insulation. When insulation is ineffective or compromised, it fails to shield the home from external elements, leading to drafts and temperature inconsistencies. This results in higher energy costs as the HVAC system works harder to maintain comfort. Upgrading your insulation can eliminate drafts, improve comfort, and enhance energy efficiency, ultimately reducing energy waste and costs.


Spray Foam Insulation Contractor in Flathead Valley spraying foam into attic floor

Attic Insulation: Our tailored attic insulation solutions are crafted to uphold year-round comfort in your Kalispell home or business. Utilizing high-quality spray foam, we deliver proper insulation for your attic, resulting in improved energy efficiency and comfort.

Crawl Space Insulation: The application of spray foam insulation in your crawl space acts as a shield against pests, rodents, and moisture intrusion, enhancing indoor air quality and preserving the structural integrity of your property.

Spray Foam Roofing: Safeguard your property from Kalispell's weather elements with our exceptional spray foam roofing services. We utilize premium spray foam materials to create a durable and energy-efficient roofing system for your peace of mind.

Wall Insulation: By integrating spray foam insulation into your walls, we fortify your space against external elements like air infiltration, noise, and moisture, leading to enhanced indoor air quality and energy efficiency.

Basement Insulation: Our customized basement insulation solutions are designed to uphold the dryness, comfort, and energy efficiency of your property. With top-of-the-line insulation spray foam, we ensure that your basement remains well-insulated and secure.

Insulation Replacement: If your property's insulation is outdated or compromised, our insulation replacement services are at your disposal. Our spray foam contractors will remove the old insulation and install premium-grade materials, ensuring that your property retains optimal energy efficiency. 

Contact Flathead Spray Foam today for top-notch insulation services that enhance comfort and energy savings.

Reduce Your Energy Bills

Whitefish MT Flathead Spray Foam Contractor spraying insulation into walls

Lookinging to cut down on high energy bills for your residential or commercial property? 

Our spray foam insulation creates a seamless air barrier that effectively prevents heat transfer and air leakage, unlike traditional insulation materials like fiberglass or cellulose. By sealing gaps and cracks in walls, floors, and ceilings, our spray foam insulation significantly reduces the amount of conditioned air that escapes from your building. 

This results in decreased heating and cooling needs, translating to lower utility bills year-round and substantial savings for property owners.

Additionally, our spray foam insulation boasts a high R-value per inch, providing superior thermal resistance compared to other insulation materials. By choosing us for your insulation needs, property owners can enjoy significant energy cost savings while maintaining a comfortable and consistent indoor environment. 

Contact us today to start saving on your energy expenses.

The ATTIC - A Hidden Source Of Temperature Fluctuation

Are you fed up with the constant battle against high energy bills and an HVAC system that never seems to catch a break? It might be time to shift your focus to your attic, a significant contributor to your energy consumption, potentially accounting for up to 40%.

Picture your hard-earned dollars slipping away through your ceiling as your attic serves as an open gateway for external temperature swings to invade your living space.

Your attic stands as the primary defense against the elements, underscoring the vital need to reinforce it with top-notch insulation. By erecting a sturdy barrier that blocks attic air from infiltrating your home, insulation not only seals effectively but also provides waterproof properties and expands to fill every nook and cranny, keeping out inclement weather, allergens, mold, pests, and more. The key to achieving a cozy and energy-efficient living environment lies in exceptional insulation installed by seasoned professionals across your property.

If you're in the Flathead Valley and on the lookout for dependable local contractors, look no further than us. Reach out to Flathead Spray Foam today, and let us connect you with our reliable team of spray foam contractors to revamp your living space for the better.

OPEN Cell VS. CLOSED Cell Foam - Which Should I Choose?

Spray  Foam Insulation Contractor spraying insulation into attic in Kalispell MT

When it comes to insulating your Kalispell, MT property, the choice between open-cell and closed-cell spray foam insulation can have a significant impact on energy efficiency and comfort levels. Understanding the unique characteristics of each type is crucial in making an informed decision tailored to your individual needs.

Open-cell foam, known for its lightweight nature and cost-effectiveness, is a popular option for many homeowners. Its flexible texture and lower density make it ideal for sealing gaps and cracks, reducing air leaks and improving energy efficiency. Additionally, open-cell foam excels in sound absorption, making it an excellent choice for reducing noise levels within your living space. However, it's important to note that open-cell foam typically has a lower R-value compared to closed-cell foam, which may affect its effectiveness in regions with extreme temperature variations.

On the other hand, closed-cell foam offers a denser and more rigid structure, providing a higher R-value per inch than open-cell foam. This compact composition allows closed-cell foam to effectively block heat transfer, ensuring consistent comfort throughout the year. Beyond thermal insulation, closed-cell foam acts as a moisture barrier, offering enhanced protection against water infiltration and mold growth. While closed-cell foam may come with a higher initial cost, it delivers long-term energy savings and increased durability.

For Flathead Valley homeowners looking for a budget-friendly option with sound insulation benefits, open-cell foam may be the way to go. On the other hand, those prioritizing superior thermal insulation, moisture resistance, and longevity may lean towards closed-cell foam. Ultimately, the choice between open-cell and closed-cell spray foam insulation depends on your specific requirements and preferences. 

Contact Flathead Spray Foam today to explore the best insulation solution for your property.

Frequently Ask Questions:

  • What is spray foam insulation?

    Spray foam insulation is a flexible material that expands when applied to form a continuous barrier, effectively insulating buildings from heat loss and moisture infiltration. It provides excellent thermal efficiency and is suitable for use in walls, attics, and crawl spaces.

  • What sets spray foam insulation apart from traditional materials like fiberglass or cellulose, and what benefits does it offer?

    Spray foam insulation surpasses traditional options by offering better energy efficiency, lower utility costs, improved indoor comfort, and increased structural durability. Its unique ability to create airtight seals and fill gaps sets it apart, guaranteeing outstanding performance in insulation projects.

  • Is spray foam insulation safe for my family and pets?

    Yes, when applied properly, spray foam insulation is entirely safe for both residents and pets. Once it has fully cured, it does not emit any harmful gases, ensuring a worry-free environment for your home.

  • Can spray foam insulation help with soundproofing?

    Certainly, spray foam insulation can help with soundproofing by decreasing the transfer of airborne noise through walls and floors to some extent.

  • Can spray foam insulation be installed in existing homes?

    Absolutely, spray foam insulation can be retrofitted into existing homes to improve insulation levels and increase energy efficiency.

  • What is the lifespan of spray foam insulation?

    When applied and cared for correctly, spray foam insulation can endure for many decades, with some lasting an impressive 80-100 years.

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